News & Community Involvement

On Thursday, April 17, at 7:00 pm we will have our Maundy Thursday service. Maundy Thursday was the day that Jesus shared his final meal (the Last Supper), with his followers before he was crucified. It is also the end of Lent. Please come join us for a time of refection and communion.

The Holden Beach Chapel will sponsor an Easter Sunrise Service beside the HB Pier on Sunday, April 20, at 6:00 am. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Following this service, there will be two worship services at the Holden Beach Chapel - 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Dr. Reggie Rushing will be presiding over these services with music provided by the Holden Beach Chapel Choir. Come join us!

Please click the "read more' tab to view the descriptions of Chapel ministry teams and committees.

Holden Beach Chapel
Ministry Teams and Committees


Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee oversees the kitchen, orders needed supplies, and coordinates with Ministry Team chairmen when supplies and food items are needed for Chapel events. These events include Sunday morning refreshments, Wednesday night meals, funeral receptions, homecoming dinners, new member dinners and other events involving food. Members of this committee may be asked to help set up for and clean up after events.  Members should be friendly and willing to interact with others in a team setting. The committee is open to both men and women.  In conjunction with the Building Committee, members may schedule and oversee maintenance of appliances and needs for the kitchen.

Bereavement Committee

The Bereavement Committee comforts families during times of loss. The committee assists the family with visitation before and after a Memorial Service. The bereaved family should contact the Holden Beach Chapel Chaplain or Secretary with information concerning the service. The Bereavement Committee can provide punch and cookies at a reception after the service. If the family would like a meal or more substantial food items, names of caterers in the area can be provided. Committee members will set up and serve for any reception as needed.

New Member Committee

The Chapel Secretary receives and processes all new membership applications. She enters the information in the office membership book and computer data base, and emails a copy to the New Member Committee Chairman and to the Nominating Committee Chairman.  The New Member Committee Chairman contacts all new members to welcome them to the Chapel and to schedule a photo opportunity.  The New Member Committee supplies all new members with an information packet. The Chairman communicates with the Chapel Secretary to maintain and update membership records on the computer. Members of this committee should be inviting, friendly, out-going and welcoming to all new members.


The Stewardship committee is responsible for educating members and attendees of the Holden Beach Chapel about the role of stewardship in Christian life while facilitating stewardship opportunities.  The Committee strives to encourage members to identify, be grateful for, cultivate, responsibly use, and lovingly share the gifts we have. 

The Committee works with the Chaplain and the Trustees in accomplishing the Chapel’s vision through a carefully planned year-round stewardship education program. The committee/team works with all Chapel ministries to integrate stewardship activities into

all areas of church life, with the goal of producing mature stewards who staff and fund the church's mission.  Stewardship focuses on:

  1. Education—Making time, talent and treasure giving an integral part of heartfelt worship   is the single most important task of the committee. Presenting a clear statement of Scripture on lifestyle stewardship is an ongoing challenge and requires the support and involvement of all major ministries.
  2. Training—Making sure that each person who receives, handles, or disburses church funds is trained, and that appropriate policies and procedures are in place to assure that all funds are handled carefully and with integrity.
  3. Mission support—Working with other church ministries to ensure they are linked, and that volunteers are growing incrementally in missions giving.
  4. Budgeting—Assisting the budget planning efforts with organized planned giving campaigns, envelope distribution, ongoing giving opportunities such as brick donations, financial planning seminars and personal recognition of gifts.  Several members are designated to oversee and promote giving to the Endowment Fund.  Several members are designated to oversee Columbarium, the sale of niches in the Columbarium and to maintain records.

Stewardship is understanding that everything we have and everything we are has been entrusted to us by God to fulfill God's purposes.  We are not the owners of our possessions nor our talents and time.  All we are and all we have are gifts from God. 


The Visitation Committee is responsible for visiting those in the congregation who are home-bound, ill or who request a visit. Generally, the visits are planned and members go in teams of two or more. Hospitality and nursing home visits are included in this ministry. During a visit, lay-administered communion can be offered to those who request it in advance. Calls can be made to anyone who prefers a phone call rather than a visit. This team prepares and mails out cards to those who have moved or who are ill or homebound.

Wednesday Night Dinners

Wednesday night fellowship dinners are held at the Holden Beach Chapel in the fellowship hall. The meals are at 5:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month from September – May.  The meals are catered and offered to members, friends, and guests of the Chapel. Pre-registration is needed to plan for meals.  The meals are offered for a freewill offering. The Wednesday night committee is a group of volunteers of men and women, who are responsible for handling the logistics of setting up and taking down the tables and chairs, and cleaning up following the meals. Committee members prepare beverages, and set up and serve the catered meal.

Sunday Morning Refreshments

Refreshments are served from the kitchen each Sunday from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend, starting 30 minutes before and serving after the service. Refreshments should be simple, light, finger food items, approximately 4-5 selections. Snacks may be purchased or homemade or a combination of both. It is suggested to have both savory and sweet items. Suggested items include—cookies, mini donuts, muffins,

pretzels, popcorn and fruits such as grapes or peeled tangerines, etc. Volunteers can use imagination and have fun. Volunteers will supply the snacks. Coffee will be served with cream and sugar which is provided by the Chapel. A pitcher of ice water should be available also. The Chapel provides cups for coffee and water, napkins and serving plates for the snacks.  Participants will make regular and decaffeinated coffee, set up the coffee with condiments, water and snacks. They will make sure the kitchen is cleaned and everything put away after the service. Volunteers should turn off the hotplate, coffee maker and lights before leaving.

Parsonage Welcoming Committee

Each week the Holden Beach Chapel’s visiting Minister receives a one week stay in the Chapel parsonage in exchange for leading a Sunday worship service.  The parsonage welcoming committee provides fresh fruit, a welcoming snack or home baked goodies along with a handwritten note to welcome the visiting minister and his/her family.  Committee members can check with the Chapel Secretary to see when the visiting minister is planned to arrive. 



The history of the Chapel is a wonderful record or account, and it will be greatly appreciated by future generations.  Members of this committee shall collect and preserve information and artifacts of the Holden Beach Chapel. Items are to be stored in the two locked display cases in the fellowship hall on the wall near the Rothschild Street entrance.  Flash Drives are to be stored in the office safe.  A written History of the Chapel shall be updated and recorded periodically as the committee determines.  Committee members will explore a variety of ways to ensure the preservation of items of historical nature including the following: an annual check on the condition of the items, housing the materials at the Chapel with regulated temperature and humidity.  The committee will develop a plan in case of emergencies—tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.  They will seek to digitize the items, writing relevant metadata, and seek to increase accessibility to the Chapel membership.  Perhaps the public could access information in the Chapel library via a scrapbook which will feature pictures of artifacts.  Increased accessibility to our history would be of great interest to our members as well as our visitors. This committee will seek to involve the members of the Communication and Administrative Committees as they progress with plans.

Long Rang Planning

Long range planning is a strategic process designed to guide our congregation in making thoughtful decisions that will shape the future of our church community.  By participating in long-range planning, you help ensure that we remain a vibrant and spiritually nurturing place for all, now and in the years to come. Our long-range planning starts with a clear understanding of our church’s vision and mission.  The committee submits a report detailing recommendations to the Trustees.  We aim to align all future initiatives and activities with our core values and purpose, ensuring that every step we take is a step towards fulfilling God's plan for our community. Be a part of our future. 


Members of this committee are responsible for soliciting, gathering and submitting information. They write and edit articles as well as format and disseminate the newsletter. Committee members work with the Chapel Secretary to gather information for the calendar and on the visiting minister.  When available, a visiting Minister’s bio will be included as well as added to the website and Facebook page.  Information from the Ministry Teams, Trustees and Chaplain, when provided, will be included.  Upcoming news of events and event pictures will be included as available. 

Social Media

When provided by a Chapel Trustee, Ministry Team Leader or Committee Chairperson, members of this committee will post news events or other Chapel related information on Facebook.  The Chapel Secretary will post Chapel information on the Holden Beach Chapel Website.


Committee members shall seek to promote the Chapel, its activities, ministries, needs and opportunities, etc. through direct contact and paid outlets via newspaper, radio, TV and the website.  This committee will promote Chapel services and events in efforts to increase membership.  They will seek to increase awareness of the Chapel through print pieces, news releases, as well as radio and TV outlets.  Members will submit input on all print pieces and other marketing tools to ensure unified messaging.  They will prepare Chapel signage as requested by those groups who want to have signage for any event.   There should be NO HOME-MADE SIGNS!  Everything matters!  This committee will serve the Chapel as the main voice—sharing information within the community about Holden Beach Chapel’s mission, core values, needs and activities.


Marketing involves branding the Chapel and putting all assets “out there.” Members of the committee should attempt to determine who is coming to the Chapel, why they come and what we can do to better meet their needs.  The marketing committee should seek to get the message of the Chapel out to the public through print pieces and media outlets.  They must pay close attention to online activity. People of all ages are looking for things online, and this includes a place to worship. Marketing is so very vital!  Every sign, the appearance of the property, the greeters, the flowers, the people, the music and the speakers.  All of these things are vital to marketing.  This committee will oversee social media, create and develop promotional and collateral materials along with a distribution plan and tracking possibilities.  They will explore creative support such as video and photography and on-going social media messaging and communication strategies.



The Buildings Committee is responsible for all buildings, inside and out, including utilities, structural and appearance. Parking lots and driveways are included. Committee members need a working knowledge of building and maintenance of buildings and

support systems including HVAC, lighting, town and state regulations regarding commercial facilities. The committee meets only as needed.


The Grounds Committee is responsible for the upkeep of the outside area around the Chapel and the Parsonage. They will decide and oversee who does the mowing, pruning, fertilizing, weed control, and irrigation of the grounds. The Grounds Committee should consult on major changes to grounds, parking lots, drainage, outside lighting, etc. to protect the integrity and beauty of the landscape of the Chapel.

Parsonage Facility

Each week the Holden Beach Chapel’s visiting minister receives a one week stay in the Chapel parsonage in exchange for leading a Sunday worship service.  The parsonage facility committee meets annually to establish a budget and make suggestions for improvements, updates or repairs.  Each Monday a designated committee member checks the facility to make sure it is clean and ready for the next minister and family.  They restock cleaning supplies and paper products and schedule deep cleaning as needed. We do not clean the parsonage since there is a written list of duties the guest minister completes before departing.


The Columbarium Committee is responsible for helping families who want to place their loved one’s remains in the columbarium at the Holden Beach Chapel or to have their names engraved on the Memorial Columns. Committee members are responsible for scheduling the onsite services by our Chaplain and for having names engraved on the granite plaques. The Committee keeps a record of all contracts requested for specific Niches and Plaques.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to assume responsibility in conjunction with the Board of Trustees for the finances of the Chapel. The responsibility of the Finance Committee is to oversee the financial well-being of the Chapel and to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on all financial matters as deemed appropriate by the committee or requested by the Board.

Duties of the Committee include:

  • Count Weekly Offering – Committee members will be scheduled to count offering on a rotating basis;
  • Prepare an annual budget in coordination with committee chairs and others responsible for budget items for Board approval;
  • Monitor operating expenses with reference to budgetary provisions of revenue and expenses;
  • Review and advise the Board on major capital outlays;
  • Make recommendations to the Trustees regarding financial planning, debt, procurement, and cash flow;
  • Improve and modify financial procedures and controls;
  • Process invoices;
  • Monitor amounts and current coverage of insurance policies; and
  • Pursue cost-saving opportunities. 

    The Finance Committee is composed of twelve people, four of whom are Trustees.   The Committee’s regular meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.  Valued experience includes financial planning, accounting, procurement, and business management.

    Endowment Committee

    The purpose of the Endowment Committee is to establish a platform for and to encourage planned giving support (over and above contributions to the church’s operating budget) in order to provide for the longevity, sustenance and on-going support of the Chapel.

    The Endowment Committee is responsible to the Chapel Board of Trustees for the faithful administration of the Endowment Funds. This involves investing and managing Endowment Funds and encouraging and receiving all gifts, bequests, and conveyances to the Funds, in a manner consistent with the loyalty and devotion expressed by the grantors and in accordance with the mission and policies of the Chapel.

    The Endowment Committee is comprised of five people, consisting of the Treasurer, one other Trustee, and three members of the Chapel.  The committee will meet quarterly at a time mutually agreed to by the committee. Valued experience includes financial planning, accounting, investment management, and business management.


    Benevolence Ministry

    The purpose of Outreach Benevolence Ministry is to develop and coordinate outreach activities that promote God’s love and compassion. Members research and identify programs that assist people in crisis situations, locally, nationally, and internationally. Donations are allocated for charities or organizations that provide help for those suffering from a variety of causes - food insecurity, natural disasters, illness, violence, and war.

    On the local level, Chapel committee members participate in hands-on projects that include support for schools, aid programs for the less fortunate, ministry initiatives, and promoting our faith. All organizations are vetted to ensure that funds are used to maximize the assistance for the designated need.

    Missions Ministry

    The Holden Beach Chapel recognizes that outreach and missions are essential components of religious organizations. We aim to provide support, services, and the messages of hope and compassion to various communities while seeking to spread faith, provide humanitarian aid, and foster cultural exchange. Efforts may include local and international focus areas involving a combination of evangelism, social services, humanitarian disaster relief and community development projects.  The Chapel realizes

    that outreach and missions play a vital role in addressing global challenges and fostering positive change. By combining humanitarian efforts with educational and spiritual support, these initiatives aim to create lasting impacts in the communities being served.



    The Altar and Communion Committee will be responsible for preparing the altar for all worship services.  This includes setting up for communion services, and maintaining altar supplies.  Volunteers will serve on a rotating basis.


    The Flower Committee is responsible for ordering flowers and maintaining accurate records.  Committee members are responsible for ordering the altar flowers, the Christmas poinsettias, Easter lilies, etc.  Committee members will need to come to the Chapel to water the flowers on Saturdays and multiple times through the week, when we have poinsettias or lilies to water. The Committee Chairman will communicate with Wine and Roses Florist, to ensure the orders are accurate. 


    This committee will assist the Chapel Audiovisual Technician with audio and video support for all Chapel regular and special services. In addition, support is provided for all weddings, funerals and community/club meetings and special requests. They will maintain and repair all audio and video equipment, along with recommending changes and enhancements to the systems and assessing future needs and requirements.

    Church Greeters

    Two greeters are scheduled for the North and South entrances every Sunday.  Greeters are the first people someone meets when walking into the Chapel, so this is a very important job.  You are a valuable marketing tool for the Chapel as you will greet and meet attendees as they enter. 


    A liturgist assists the minister of the week, as requested, in leading the worship service.  This could include leading responsive readings, reading scripture, announcing hymns. etc.  This will, at a minimum, include the reading of the selected scripture, leading the congregation in a prayer selected or developed by the liturgist, followed by the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father). The goal is more lay inclusion and participation in worship. 


    The ushers are responsible for greeting and handing out the service bulletins to people entering the sanctuary.  Working in unison, they pass the offering plates through the pews, collecting the offerings during the service. Additionally, they are responsible for

    picking up all programs left in the pews after the service has ended.  We currently have four teams of eight volunteers each, and the teams serve on a rotating basis. As an usher you would only perform the activity three months out of the year.  Ushers are responsible for ensuring there is adequate seating for all attendees.  Sometimes additional chairs must be brought into the sanctuary to accommodate large groups.  At the close of the service, ushers pass out the “Welcome to the Chapel” treats for first time visitors.  The team captain is responsible for ensuring the candles are lit during the prelude, and performing a head count of attendees for the church Secretary.  Ushers should be able to handle any emergency and maintain order.

    Adult Sunday School

    The Adult Sunday School meets in the Chapel conference room an hour before the scheduled Chapel worship service. The International Sunday School lesson is used as a guideline which provides scripture and application to attendee’s lives.  This is a very caring group.  A short visitation time precedes the lesson – “catching up” and reviewing concerns and joys.  New members and “drop ins” are welcomed to attend.

    Bible Study

    Discover deeper meaning and grow in faith by joining in a Bible Study Group.  There are opportunities for men and women.  Groups come together to explore the Word of God in a warm, welcoming environment. Whether you are new to the faith or have been walking with Christ for years, our Chapel offers something for everyone.  Call the Chapel Office to inquire about options. 


    Lift Your Voice in Harmony and Praise.  Our Church Choir is a group of dedicated individuals who come together to share their love of music and faith. We perform a diverse repertoire ranging from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs, aiming to enhance worship services and uplift the congregation through the power of song.  Share your talent and passion in weekly services, special events, and seasonal concerts.  Whether you’re an experienced singer or just starting out, all are welcome!

    Our church is blessed with a beautiful array of bells and chimes that add a unique, uplifting and melodic dimension to our worship services.  We are always looking for new members to join our bell and chime choirs. If you read music, we have a place for you.  Whether you’re an experienced musician or a beginner, we welcome your enthusiasm and dedication. Training and practice sessions are provided to help you learn and grow.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    Crocheters and knitters wanted – no experience needed!  Ladies are willing to help with projects.  Supplies such as yarn, patterns and hooks or needles are available. This fun group meets from September to November and February to April at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel Fellowship Hall prior to the 1:00 p.m. Chapel Ladies Fellowship meeting.  Even though the group meets only six months of the year, members continue to make items all

    year long.  Members make prayer shawls, Lapghans, baby hats, baby blankets, hat and scarf sets and cross pocket squares.  A tag is attached to items explaining this ministry and offering prayers and blessings of hope, courage, and strength.  Items are provided to anyone in the church or neighborhood who has a need.  The group donates items to the radiation center, dialysis center, hospitals, nursing homes and to the Chapel’s Outreach Christmas party for teens from Cedar Grove Middle school.

    Ladies Fellowship

    The Ladies Fellowship is a group of Christian women united in prayer and service. The group meets in the Holden Beach Chapel Fellowship Hall on the first Tuesday of the month— September through May. The meetings are at 1:00 p.m. with light refreshments being served at 12:30 p.m.  This group is designed to encourage women to grow in faith, foster and develop closer friendships with other women, provide opportunities to serve, and help others come to Christ.  Meetings feature speakers, and the group organizes retreats and performs community outreach.  We pray together and for each other.  All ladies of the Chapel are welcome to join. The membership donation is $20.00 annually.

    Men’s Fellowship

    Organized to empower and strengthen men of faith, the Chapel Men's Fellowship group is dedicated to fostering a brotherhood where men can grow spiritually.  Men seek to support one another and to serve the community with compassion and integrity, while striving to be Christ-like role models for others.  Breakfast meetings are the third Thursday of each month at the Sea Biscuit Café located at 3370 Stone Chimney Road.  On occasion, the group meets in the Chapel Fellowship Hall.  Meetings include guest speakers and road trips for cultural and historical education and development.  The Fellowship group supports the Chapel and its special community events.  All men are encouraged and welcome to attend.

  • May 23, 2024