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Worship and Communion w/Dr. Ron Cava - Baptist

Our guest minister for June 4th is Dr. Ron Cava, from Henderson, NC. After pastoring churches in Sims, Durham, Connelly Springs, Edenton, and Clinton, NC, he became the Senior Minister of First Baptist Henderson, NC in 2012. Dr. Cava has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion from Campbell University, the Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Ministry degree from Campbell University Divinity School.

He is married to Shirley who is a Middle School Social Studies Teacher. Ron and Shirley are natives of the Tidewater, Virginia area, having moved to North Carolina in 1983. They have four adult children and seven grandchildren, with number eight due in July.  Dr. Cava states he enjoys dabbling in genealogy, loves music, plays really bad golf, is an avid Boston Red Sox fan, and drinks too much coffee.