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Worship & Communion w/Rev. Nancy Summerlin - Presbyterian

Our Guest Minister for November 6, is Rev. Nancy Summerlin, from Midlothian, VA. Rev. Summerlin holds a M. Div. from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA, where she received the E.T. George Award for Excellence in Homiletics, Worship and Public Speaking.  She was Pastor at Brett-Reed Memorial Presbyterian Church outside West Point, Va, during a time of growth and renewal.  Rev. Summerlin served as Resident Minister at the Community Church of San Miguel del Allende, Mexico in 2014. She was Moderator of the Presbytery of the James in 2015. Following retirement, she was Covenant Pastor at New Covenant Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA and Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in Kimlarnock, VA.  Rev. Summerlin continues to work in the Presbytery of the James, where she was the Moderator of the committee that called the new General Presbyter and Stated Clark, and is currently Moderator of the Committee on Representation.  She was married to the late Raymond Summerlin, also a Presbyterian minister.  She has a son, Michael Crow, who lives with his wife and three children in Chesterfield County.